WAVIZYME® and MEDIZIME®LF are enzymatic cleaners used by medical and dental professionals nationwide.
WAVIZYME® is a combination of enzymes and detergents, formulated to safely eliminate proteinaceous contamination and solubilize lipids on flexible optic scopes, surgical instruments and laundry.
MEDIZIME®LF provides the same cleaning power with the added benefit of low foam detergents. This facilitates lower suds production in automatic cleaning devices.
The use of enzymatic cleaners, like WAVIZYME® and MEDIZIME®LF, by infection control and gastroenterology professionals is a critical step in instrument decontamination. The utilization of these products prior to sterilization or high level disinfection with a 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution (WAVICIDE-01®) greatly increases the effectiveness of the germicide.
Saves Time: WAVIZYME® and MEDIZYME®LF once diluted, need only 2-3 minutes contact time for fiberoptic instrumentation.
Easy to use: WAVIZYME® and MEDIZYME®LF are packaged in gallon containers with an accurate 1 oz. pump dispenser or a single-use 1 oz.pouch.
Cost Efficient: WAVIZYME® and MEDIZYME®LF are concentrated yet mild in pH.
Enironmentally Safe: WAVIZYME® and MEDIZYME®LF are 100% biodegradeable and phosphate free. These solutions are gentle on the environment.