Hello and welcome to PARA-SITE Online. Thank you for visiting our site.
The purpose of this site is to inform the public about the field of diagnostic medical parasitology. Within this site you will find numerous topics ranging from emerging parasitic infections and neglected tropical diseases to diagnostic procedure options.
In addition, you will find answers to many of those commonly asked questions as well as discussions about some of the hottest topics within the field of parasitology today.
The content within this site is made possible through the extensive contribution of Lynne S. Garcia, M.S., MT(ASCP), CLS(NCA), BLM(AAB), F(AAM), Director, Consultation and Training Services (Diagnostic Medical Parasitology and Healthcare Administration). For additional information, she can be contacted at lynnegarcia2@verizon.net.
Garcia, LS, 2016, Diagnostic Medical Parasitology, 6th Ed., ASM Press, Washington, D.C
Garcia, LS, 2021, Practical Guide to Diagnostic Parasitology, 3rd Edition, ASM Press and Wiley, Washington, D.C.