Prostate Biopsy Kits
Our 20, 40 and 60ml prefilled jars now have double click seal caps…90 and 120ml click seal jars/caps available soon! 10% Formalin or Zinc Formalin EACH KIT INCLUDES: 6, 8 or 12, 14, 16 Prefilled Jars Instruction Label Diagrammed Box Insert Bio-Hazard Labeled Bag Absorbent Pad Patient Labels Secure Close Lid
Revised – new single spin processing procedure for Total-Fix
Total-Fix® Parasitology – Stool Fixative Patent No. 8,338,130 Click here to download pictures of Trichrome stained Total-Fix preserved organisms (14.6 MB) A Proprietary Formulation No Formalin No Mercury No PVA Perform Direct Exams Perform Concentrations Perform Giardia and Cryptosporidium DFA Perform Permanent Stains (Trichrome and Iron Hematoxylin) Perform Giardia EIA (Microwell and “Card Assays”) Perform […]